Q. When was the club first formed?

A. The club was first formed in September of 2009 with 4 members.
We started with 125 acres and grew the club to now just shy of 1500 acres.
We incorporated the club as a Non-profit 501c7 in 2010.

Q. How many members are in the club?

A. Currently, we have approximately 15 members.

Q. What is the club's membership year?

A. The membership year starts on March 1st and ends, at the end of February.

Q. How can I become a member or how do I find out if there are openings?

A. There may be openings. Please see the scrolling marquee on the Contacts Page, as openings are advertised there.


A. Click on the Contacts button below and send us an email.

Contact Page

Q. How many acres total do you have available to hunt?

A. Currently we have approximately 1500 non-contiguous acres. This is spread over multiple properties. They consist of crop fields, pines and hardwood, as well as swamp land.

Q. Can I hunt as a guest?

A. Unless you are sponsored by a member, No.

Q. What type of game do you hunt?

A. Deer, Bear, Fox, Coyote, Bobcat, Turkey, Dove, Duck, Geese, Rabbit and Squirrel are on the property.

Q. What county do you hunt in?

A. Sampson County.

Q. Is your club family friendly?

A. We are very family oriented, and our members take their kids hunting very often. Take a look at the Rules page.

General Rules Page Article 5 - Associate Members

Q. Does the club have a Archery or Firearms range?

A. The club has both a Bow and a Firearms range. The Firearms range extends out to 300 meters and we have steal targets for our members use. Rules page.

Firearms Range

Archery Range

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